The DEA sponsors two DEA Drug Take Back Day events annually, in April and October. The October 2019 Drug Take-Back Day collected over 440 tons unwanted medication and 460 tons was collected at the April 2019 event, a total of nearly 1,000 tons of unwanted, unused or expired prescription & over-the-counter medications, vitamins & supplements, liquid and pet meds were safely disposed of! That’s over a million pounds of unwanted and unused drugs collected in just 2 days!

April 25, 2020, DEA Drug Take-Back Day has been canceled due to the Coronavirus pandemic but don’t worry because safe drug disposal can happen every day of the year thanks to many year-round safe drug disposal locations. You can keep your family, children, pets and community safe, prevent an accidental drug overdose, stop drug diversion and reduce harm to the environment by safely disposing of prescription and over-the-counter meds, vitamins & supplements at safe drug disposal receptacles. For a list of take-back locations in Marin near you, visit MED-Project™


Drug and Needle Disposal,Events


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