There are significant barriers to Medically Assisted Treatment (MAT) in the medical industry and pharmacy settings even though buprenorphine is championed as a successful treatment for patients because it satisfies neurological needs for opioids. Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) patients use buprenorphine to control the physical cravings for opioids which in turn, can free them to lead a healthier life, hold down a job and become a better parent. A paper published by the International Journal of Drug Policy, surveyed pharmacists to determine their assessment of buprenorphine for OUD, determine buprenorphine dispensing practices and their opinion of MAT treatment. The paper found that pharmacists limited buprenorphine dispensing by refusing to serve new OUD patients, limiting dispensing to current OUD patients and by refusing to dispense buprenorphine altogether. The key causes undermining pharmacist trust in buprenorphine included concerns about exceeding the DEA policy “cap” on opioid dispensing, fraudulent marketing of opioids by Big Pharma, and overprescribing of opioids by doctors. Obsolete policies and stigma were the major issues preventing pharmacists from fully embracing MAT. Learn more


Opioid Epidemic


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