The County of Marin has launched a Instagram COVID-19 and Census Youth Campaign for much needed targeted messaging regarding COVID-19 safety behaviors, mental health resources, the census and more. While the messages posted on the Instagram account (@marincountygov) are primarily youth focused, the messaging is also relevant for other age demographics as well. There are plenty of graphics being posted as examples of the kind of information we will be sharing to keep our community safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. The posts and messaging for this campaign are all developed and created by a group of high school and college interns working in partnership with the County.

This is such an important time to be reaching out specifically to teens and young adults. Going back to school is on all of our minds and we have seen COVID-19 rates go up among younger people and along with that, mental health concerns associated with sheltering in place, online learning, and isolation. We hope you will check out @marincountygov if you are an Instagram user and that you will spread the word about the account! The Instagram content will be posted in both English and Spanish, and links with more information will accompany each post.




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